Saturday, March 24, 2018

5 Things that can Mess Up Your Move

Significant events require a lot of planning and preparation to be a success; whether it is an important project at work, organizing a house party, or just wanting a dinner ready by six o’clock, plans have to be made and followed through on. Moving is no different, in fact, it may require even more attention and planning to take off correctly. Moving involves you picking up everything you have accumulated throughout your life at one house, and are now moving it to an entirely new to avoid moving expenses

What to Watch out For

If you do not plan out what will be needed to make this move flawless, then you will face hardships and obstacles that may include you being unable to move in what and when you want. Here are some things that can ultimately ruin your next moving experience if you do not have a plan in place.

Don’t Wait, Initiate

Timing is everything when it comes to moving. It is essential that you start packing as soon as you can. This will ensure that all of your things are ready to be transported and no additional time will be wasted trying to rush and pack last minute.

Narrowing your Options

Do not meet with only one moving company. You need to consider shopping around to find, not just the best deal but also the best moving company. Sure, you may meet with the most cost-effective one, but they may also not offer packing services. Look around for exactly what you want and need.Manhattan Movers

Measure it Out

Make sure to measure out the location you will be moving. Take into account the amount of space you will have and how much space your things will be occupying. This will ensure you know which rooms would be best for having those items.
In the same vein as this, be sure to measure the entrances to your new home. This will show you which doors you can use to move your property through. If your new home has a garage, but the connecting door is too small to fit furniture through, you may be better off looking to the front door instead of committing to moving your sofa through a door that turns out to be too small.

Pack it Right

If you are not using a shipping service or using one that does not offer packing services, then it is up to you to pack everything up. Make sure you pack your stuff with care, making sure not to pack fragile items without the proper packing material to accompany them. Also make sure that with such fragile things you are using the appropriate boxes as well, as soft boxes can lead to your stuff being damaged during the trip.

Insure you Items

Even with everything thought out, appropriately packed, and everything was falling into place does not mean that accidents cannot still happen; damage can still occur. Look into getting your things insured in case any mishaps happen. This is especially true when you bring a moving company into the picture. Though it is true that these are professional movers, they are still human and can make mistakes. Your best bet is to get your things insured.

Southwest Movers

At Southwest Movers we love helping people move. If you are younger and not attached to an area, we highly recommend moving somewhere crazy and getting to know people somewhere new. But if you are looking at staying close to family or jobs, it doesn’t hurt to find smaller communities and increasing your commute. IF you have any questions at all, give us a call!

Saturday, March 3, 2018

7 Best Real Estate Blogs for New Agents

Reading is always a great way to learn, and to that end, we’ve compiled a list of the seven best real estate blogs for agents to follow. Of course, reading doesn’t take the place of practical experience. But you might be surprised by just how much you can learn by reading about real estate. Become a real estate agent who stays on top of real estate news!
We’ve compiled a list of some of our favorite blogs for real estate agents. If you’re new to the game, let these blogs be your guide as you get your career underway.

Best real estate blogs to follow

Redfin. Redfin writers are also real estate professionals, and most of the information on their blog is based on the experiences of these working real estate agents. The blog focuses on bringing you up-to-date information on real estate markets throughout the United States backed with insights from their experts.
Mckissock.  When it comes to furthering your education, McKissock’s the place to go. Not only are there numerous educational resources, like real estate investing 101, but their blog is robust and provides helpful tips such as “How to Break Bad News to Real Estate Clients.” It’s updated regularly and always a good place to go for legitimate how-to tips as well as broader information about the industry as a whole.
Housing Wire. This site offers expert advice on what’s happening in the U.S. real estate market. It’s a site the offers “open commentary,” meaning there are a lot of different viewpoints expressed.
Zillow.  This guide is an excellent example for anyone looking to take advantage of new technologies in real estate and to stay in the loop on market trends. It has first person how-tos (such as Expert Tips From A House Flipper) and useful tips, such as how to increase a home’s value.
Realtor.  Here you’ll find a directory to many different blogs. The site aggregates blogs from all over its network. Want updates on real estate legislation? Technology? The economy? You’ll find that all here. It’s a must read for gaining a broad understanding of the real estate business.
Miller Samuel Inc. A great feature of this blog is that it includes regular podcasts. If you’re more of an auditory learner (or want something to listen to while you’re driving or working out), this blog should be your go-to. It also provides author Jonathan Miller’s analysis of the commentary presented in other blogs. If you’re interested in getting multiple perspectives on an issue, add this blog to your reading list.
Real Estate Tomato. Last but not least, this is a blog about creating real estate blogs. It isn’t updated all that frequently, but they do have a great cache of useful material if you’re going to incorporate blogging into your marketing strategy as a real estate professional. Anything you want to know about getting started in the world of real estate blogging—it’s here. Check it out if you’re feeling inspired.

Learn more about becoming a real estate agent

Is now a good time to become an agent? Have you been thinking about a career in real estate? Download our free guide, Is a Real Estate Career Right for You?